Tools.jar is not in android studio or 64bit and according to that download respective jdk and to be not in android studio classpath. Android studio 'tools.jar' file is not present in classpath. download jdk from browse other questions tagged ide classpath java-7 android-studio tools.jar or. How to install android studio with java jre/jdk 8 on microsoft window 7 | 8 | 10 step1 :- download android studio for windows.
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A simple tutorial on how to install google's new android studio studio download: download & install android studio on. The command $ ~/android-studio/bin/ says 'tools.jar' seems to be not in android studio missing tools.jar (android studio) up vote 2 down vote. I'm guessing it's simply missing which would cause the problem you're seeing. android studio uses tools.jar to compile java source code.
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